Toon City Manila – Last February 8, 2024, a momentous meeting took place at Toon City, gathering animators of different specialties to engage in a pivotal discussion with the world-renowned and multi-awarded Director, story writer and animator, Ronnie del Carmen. The meeting marked a pivotal moment as del Carmen fervently advocated for Filipino stories to claim their spotlight on the global stage.
Throughout the meeting, del Carmen emphasized the abundance of talent within the Philippines and passionately expressed his desire to catalyze a movement that would propel Filipino narratives onto the world stage. "I want to help you, and you help me start a movement," declared del Carmen, igniting a sense of purpose and unity among the attending artists.
The meeting yielded an ambitious and actionable outcome - the announcement of the group's inaugural activity, scheduled for February 17, 2024. This event, titled the "COFFEE DRAWING WALK,” is poised to be a groundbreaking endeavor that invites artists of diverse disciplines, including storytellers, painters, and animators, to participate in a collaborative voyage of creativity. The COFFEE DRAWING WALK holds the promise of being a catalyst for discoveries and breakthroughs in the realm of Filipino storytelling and visual arts.
Del Carmen will collaborate with the Animation Council of the Philippines members and other artists who share his vision. His commitment lies in laying the foundation for the emergence of world-class Filipino content in the future. By fostering an environment where artists come together to explore their craft and draw inspiration from their surroundings, the COFFEE DRAWING WALK is poised to sow the seeds of a vibrant tapestry of Filipino narratives and artwork. This event signifies the inaugural step in a journey towards establishing a thriving ecosystem for Filipino creatives to collaborate, innovate and showcase their stories to the world.
Through this event, del Carmen's aspiration to elevate Filipino talent onto the global stage is set to materialize, paving the way for a new era of compelling and culturally resonant content. As anticipation builds for the maiden voyage of the COFFEE DRAWING WALK on February 17, 2024, the event stands as a testament to the power of unity, creativity and collective vision in propelling the Filipino animation and storytelling industry towards unprecedented heights.
With the seeds of inspiration planted at Toon City, the future holds the promise of a rich and diverse tapestry of world-class Filipino narratives and artistic contributions.